Lets face it. You can’t control everything. Even after all your hours and days and months of careful preparation there is still that nagging suspicion that the Best Man is going to ruin your masterpiece of perfection with one of those lame inside jokes that no one gets. Your Maid of Honor has been a blessing to you and held your hand through multiple wedding decisions, but she has already told you that she isn’t very good at knowing what to say for toasts and will probably just end up sobbing and sitting down without finishing anyway. Now I’m sure no bride would write everyone’s speeches for them or specify exactly what to say……but what harm could possibly come from giving a push in the right direction? I found a couple of sites that I liked the most that give you all the information you (I mean your bridal party) would need to get the most out what they REALLY want to say. More...
The BM can still have his witty comments and the MOH can feel at ease knowing exactly what to say and still have the option for a tear or two. Maybe have your Dad check it out too just in case he was planning on bringing up that one, uh, incident….that one time…..you know what I’m talking about.
- If you would prefer a pre-written-pre-approved
toast and be absolutely sure of success
check out Instant Wedding Speeches
- If you want peace of mind but still want the eloquent
from the heart oration that only your closest loved ones
can give try Wedding Speech 4 You
Are you worried about what you want to say? That’s ok, because there are plenty of tips for writing beautifully meaningful Vows for you and your soon-to-be.
Do you have any tips for getting over vow-writing block ? Perhaps a funny story of a wedding where the bride obviously did NOT approve the speeches? Do Tell!
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